Special Education Needs (SEN)

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. We strive to cater to diverse needs of students by ensuring that each student gets equitable access to the learning curriculum. Students with special needs are supported primarily through remediation, accommodation and with certain exemptions especially during examinations,depending on the severity of the learning difficulty.


At Indus, we are dedicated to bringing out the best in each child. The SEN team goes by the believe and motto, “All children can learn.”

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Our students come from diverse cultures, faiths and creeds. Our ESL teachers are all language teachers. Together, they help our students become confident in their English skills, which is the universal language used in the school. Students with limited English language receive a combination of ‘pull-out’ and ‘push-in’ learning support, depending on their level of proficiency.


The ESL support programme promotes Academic English proficiency that will enable the integration of ESL students into the mainstream curriculum in no less than two years. ESL teachers work in active collaboration with homeroom and other specialist teachers to support them.